

The call came in from the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey. The case worker described a “favorite” family she had been working with for two years and was searching for help. She described what happened to their eldest child, 17 year old Jason, who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. After several months of receiving intense chemotherapy treatments, Jason suffered a stroke from the toxicity of the drugs. The stroke caused brain damage.

These tragic events left Jason hospitalized for months and his family sinking lower and lower into an emotional and financial tailspin. His mother could no longer work, as her days were spent caring for him and his siblings. The loss of income was devastating. Jason’s father worked hard but his income barely covered the basic bills. On top of the limited finances, Jason’s parents faced the hard reality that their son would not live the life they had hoped for him.

The family’s needs were numerous; they had fallen behind in their rent and faced eviction, food was limited. Some days they could barely pay for the parking at Jason’s therapy appointments.

The Paul Jackson Fund answered their plea for help; paying the overdue rent and assisting with household expenses. The Fund also partnered with the Union County Rugby Association which held a food drive on their behalf. The food was delivered to Jason’s family and they started to feel some relief. In addition, many local PJF supporters responded to our request for clothing and bedding for Jason and his siblings, who were delighted and deeply grateful.

This loving, caring family was able to breathe a little easier because of the Paul Jackson Fund and its incredible

“The Paul Jackson Fund has helped us through our food and our financial crisis. We are so very grateful to have someone understand the plight of having a loved one/child with cancer. Stepping in to reassure us there are people who could possibly understand the struggle that comes with cancer, for the one affected as well as for the family. We thank all who have helped this family rebuild and strengthen once again.”
~Jason’s Mom


Jason was able to go back to school, in a special needs program, half days – and loved it! Three afternoons a week were spent at physical, occupational and speech therapy appointments. Sadly, Jason suffers from chronic pain and was diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis, which is the death of bone tissue due to lack of blood supply. This condition is the result of long term steroid and cancer treatments. Jason would soon need a second surgery to try and correct the condition.

The Family is still struggling and one of their greatest needs is for a car. If you know of someone who would like to donate a car or minivan to Jason’s family – please get in touch with us. They would be so very grateful.