

Nicole is a kind woman who has suffered with polio since she was six years old. She lives with her 90 year old mother. Nicole has been confined to a wheelchair since she was a child and has only limited use of her hands, which is worsening with age and arthritis. Nicole is dependent on others for all her basic needs and activities of daily living.

Nicole’s home care benefits were reduced from 80 to 50 hours per week. This reduction in benefits eliminated assistance at night. Nichole had to be put into bed in the early evening, staying there until later the next morning when the home health aide arrived. Using the bathroom was not an option because there was no one to assist her.

The Paul Jackson Fund responded to Nicole’s need and paid for a night home health aide.

“Your generosity leaves me overwhelmed and deeply touched….. The donation you gave is appreciated more than words can say and I can assure you it will be used wisely and with a thankful heart… It will provide for hours of service and comfort for the evenings…. I thank you from the depth of my soul as I keep you in my prayers.” ~Nicole